After Sales and Maintenance - Malcolm Reed Construction
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After Sales and Maintenance

At Malcolm Reed Construction Limited we consider aftercare is paramount to our customer service care and endeavour to work to achieve this in order to make our homeowners enjoy the experience of having purchased a new home without the worry of what aftercare service they will receive once they have moved in. 

We aim to take care of the homeowner/tenant for each and every property which is under our control. Our aim is to provide a quality new home backed by a quality aftercare service.

We are committed to helping the homeowner/tenant through the transitional period of moving into their new home, by providing a comprehensive handover procedure for their new property.

As part of our contract with the client we take very seriously the responsibility for maintenance of the infrastructure we construct. Under our contract we will carry out schedule site visits as per the contract handover procedure.  Our aftercare team will endeavour to rectify any valid defects with the minimum of disruption to enable the homeowner to have a positive experience of moving into a new home.